We are committed to building a culture of HSEQ and Food Safety where these elements are core values in the way that we do business. Our goal is zero harm to our employees and customers and to continually reduce our impact on the environment. Engagement with our associates at all levels is vital in achieving this goal and our performance has been recognised both nationally and internationally. Our fully integrated management system is continually being improved with direct input from frontline associates, who are fully engaged with improvement plans at local and company level.


Zero harm as a goal includes zero ill health at work and, indeed, we aim to ensure people thrive at work, achieve their full potential and have a sense of wellbeing. There are 4 key areas of focus:
- Occupational Health
- Employee Welfare
- Work Environment
- Health Promotion

Aramark are committed to ensuring that we play our role in working alongside other UK organisations to achieve the UK Government’s Net
Zero target of at least a 100% reduction in the net UK carbon account by 2050 for its UK Operations. Our Net Zero commitments are built around areas where it can have the most impact including transport, energy efficiency and sourcing locally.